Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas

圣诞节快乐  Merry Christmas : D
我不喜欢今年的圣诞节   还真的是一个人过
倒数在 Pyramid   第一次在那里倒数  去年在云顶 
八点多 ah jack 来我家载我和佩思  我们等到很不耐烦了 
又赛车  晚餐都还没吃勒  饿死人了啦
在车  男人突然生我的气  一到那里就不理他 
跟佩思两个人自己走自己的  要去吃的
最后差不多的店都打烊了  就去外面吃  气死我啊 
慧萍就过来找我们  等我们吃饱  

吃饱了 就等时间过  去买Spray 时间还没到  他们就开始玩了起来 
然后  又走散了  就剩下我跟慧萍两个人 
时间到  就倒数 他们玩得更疯啊
认识也Spray 不认识也spray  有些还对着我的眼睛射下去 
有时还不小心吃到咯  我有带隐性眼睛  搞到我的眼睛发红 
头发很粘  手脚也一样  超级超级的恶心

玩够了  就去找佩思  她跟男朋友在里面 没有出来玩到 
说好要跟我一起倒数的  人影都没看到 
过后  就带她去吃 她晚餐还没吃  晚餐变宵夜  
吃饱就等ah jack来  看到pub 和 club 有人打架  很复杂 
一个车挤八个人  挤到巴生  幸运的没有遇到警察 
在车  我们一直求 ah jack 带我们上云顶  苦苦哀求他 
最后还是失败  佩思住我家  只有我和她两个人在家 
跟她聊聊天  很累了  她一直烦着我  不给我睡

第二天  我们十点多就起身了  还是很累 
一直在烦云顶的事  十二点多  我们两个才出去吃 
不久  她就回家了  我就一个人呆在家 
心情很差很差   很孤单  要出去没人载
 圣诞老公公  我可以要你三个愿望吗  
在心里许下我的愿望   你会帮我实现的吧

新的一年要到了  生日也快到了
没有想要庆祝的念头 因为我生日 也就是开学当天
每个人应该都忙着回学校 还会有谁会记得我的生日呢 

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


跟家人团团圆圆 一起吃暖暖的汤圆 一定很温暖吧
爸爸还没回来 他在那边应该也没有汤圆吃
过几天就是他生日了 然后再到我的
爸爸啊 我很想念你 :(

 更不可能收到圣诞礼物的 少做白日梦
问题是啊 我不想一个人倒数 一个人过圣诞节 
超孤单 超寂寞的 ~
有谁来陪我过圣诞节 ? :)

Monday, December 20, 2010


星期六 今天没有去做工 请假
傍晚跟大姐和弟弟去游泳 那里的水很冷 很肮脏 
游不久就回家了 然后去冲凉 等大姐男朋友来 
就去隔壁吃自助餐了 因为邻居的儿子结婚了
本来打算吃饱就去看戏的 最后改去 i-city 走走 
很怀念那里 想回当时跟朋友第一次来时 现在都没有跟他们联络了
十点多 回到家 可是很迟才睡

星期天 也就是星期日 一样的吧 
早上很早就隔壁的人吵醒 很累很累啊
新郎准备要去接新娘了 跟他的兄弟在大喊大叫的
不久 接新娘回来了 就放红炮 很热闹噢
再跟大姐去Aeon 买东西 买完了就回家
下午就睡美容觉 真的快累坏了 也很困
睡起来就去准备了 满赶的 妈咪i一直吹一直吹
到辉煌了 又要等8.30 肚子一直叫 咕噜咕噜
祝新郎新娘 新婚快乐 白头偕老
幸福快乐 要很幸福很幸福咯

Friday, December 17, 2010

Fairies Cafe

对不起啊 最近很懒惰上来
所以很少写了 多多原谅 多多包涵
 星期五,傍晚快快去准备 七点多到Aeon
去Sakae找Mak 先 他在吃到一半 然后男人就到了
去吃冰淇淋先 八点多再去FairiesCafe 
大多数的人都到了 我们分开坐 
Cousin过不久就到了 我们坐同一个桌子 
一起玩 HeartAttack 很刺激 哈哈哈
他们讲要去看戏 看半夜场 
我们就跑回去 Aeon 看有什么戏 看时间
最后还是没有看 时间不合 太夜了
就要去吃 开车绕一绕 看要吃什么 绕了满久一下的
 就去 555 对面吃 终于啊 ><
吃到十一点多 就去打Snooker 靠近罢了 
一点多到家 很累很累
Happy Birthday Kelly :D

从昨天开始 谁骂粗口 就要罚一块钱
哈哈哈 不到一小时 就给我赚到两块啊 
开心死我 男人啊 要忍住咯
不然会让女人发大财 啦啦啦 

p/s: Give me a click on my nuffnang :)

Friday, December 10, 2010


Thursday night, last minute plan with sueyyau .
Sister fetch me to mbo around 7, waited him alone there.
Bought ticket of RAPUNZEL, first time watch disney's movie with him .
8.45 our movie started :D 
He keep complained it's bored, it's boringg. Ahaaa .
He don't really intersted on this kind of movie.
Rapunzel was niceee, i swear!

Friday morningg, woke up by mummy in the early morning .
Attended to BM's tution around 9 with yuanping .
6hours' tution todayy, seriously damn tiring 
Plus i felt not so well today, vomited after breakfast .
Lunch with yuanping them @ fruity.
5 o'clock, finally finish tution :)

Today was public holidays :D
Enjoy your day .

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


前一遍有写到星期三要去血拼 跟妈咪和大姐
大姐拿假 很早就把我吵醒 
吃早餐准备 十点多就出门啦
我们先去台办的一间间 butik 看一看 没有买到
一点多再跑去Pyramid看 肚子很饿 先去吃
吃饱就去看衣服 买两件裤子 一件t-shirt 还有一对耳环 
八点都才去吃晚餐 当时刚下完雨
天气满冷的 就去吃粥 很温暖
很多人都会问我 为什么酱早买 新年还久叻 
我是一个不会存钱的女人 一有钱在身上就不自在 
一定花光光才满意的 我怕那些钱被我花光光 


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

人不犯我 我不犯人

昨天回Centro的皇庭做工 跟charlotte
由于做Sakae的关系 所以很久没有回去了
感觉很陌生 也蛮尴尬的
跟他们也好像没话聊 很少讲话 笑一笑罢了 
星期日有可能还会回去 还不确定 
明天要跟妈咪去shopping 可能去吉隆坡吧 
 漂亮的衣服 你要等我啊 :D

可是我还是要写 我就是要写出来
如果不爽有意见直接跟我讲 不要去跟他讲那些有的没的
不要嘴巴说什么brother 你们弄到他酱为难做么 
我没有必要为了你们那几句去改变 去检讨自己
废话不要乱讲 意见不要那么多 
不只是对我 对别人也一样
要投诉去对着大海去天空 不要对着他 
我是他的女人 不是你们的 
爱情是你我两人的是 多余的人请不要干涉 
人不犯我 我不犯人

Saturday, December 4, 2010


星期五, 补习到五点多 skip数学的课
六点多到家 妈咪就载我去 Charlotte 家
八点多到Yk 家 大多数的人都到了 很热闹啊 
很多在喝酒 抽烟 聊天 
然后 去楼上玩牌 一两个人玩罢了 大多数的人都呆在楼下
然后 在唱生日歌 吹糖糕 拍照 
一点多 到家 
 Yk, 祝你生日快乐 :) 

星期六, 很平时一样去做工 
两点半开工的 我一点多就去了 忘记时间了
八点多左右 突然没有电 哈哈哈
大多数的客人 吃到一半就结帐走人
有些还没有吃到 喝杯茶就走人 
没有点 厨房也很不方便 
本来九点就放工了的 没有电 所以比较早关店
要帮忙他们 closing 咯 要到十点才放工
放工了 就去载男人 要给他骂了
一直迟到 这几天都是那样 ><
回家换衣就去 Joy 家了 今天她生日
玩游戏一下 然后就去吹糖糕 唱歌 
十二点多 他们讲要去喝茶 打Snooker  
就一起跟去咯 打Snooker到一点多
很累了 就没有去喝茶了 要回家了
很累很累 今天又要做工 
Joy, 祝你生日快乐

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

2month ♥

 2010's December, you're welcome :)
Stay with me, hug me tight .
And say you love me.

Monday, November 29, 2010


今天是星期一 又是新的一个星期
还有几天2010年的十二月 也就是月尾就要来历了
月尾节目应该会比较多吧 要庆祝圣诞节 要庆祝 NewYear
我到现在一点plan都没有 也不知道要去哪里 跟谁一起庆祝
到时才打算吧 太早plan很快就会泡汤

昨天 放工回家快快去冲凉
然后坐在电视机前 追看'义海豪情' 
看完了 就跑去跟男人讲电话 
讲不到几分钟 又开始吵架 习惯了习惯了
他有他的道理 我也有我的歪理
男人说 忍一时风平浪静,退一步海阔天空
男人道歉 我也原谅了 
我们说过 如果你的错 就会尽量挽回 
如果误会 就要听对方解释清楚 
我们时常吵架 很伤感情 
这一个月里我们不管吵得几严重 都不会说放弃的话 
昨天 我下定决心了 可是又心软
我的性格不好 男人的脾气不好 
每次打勾勾说好 我们会改 我们都有在改
要改 也需要时间 要改 也需要耐心
男人说过 他会等我 改我的性格 
我也答应过 我一定会做到 做给他看

或许 我没有她那么了解你 
或许 我做不到比她更好
又或许 我没有你想象中的那么好
男人 可以给我多点时间了解你吗 
可以让我们变得更好 更甜蜜 更幸福吗
昨天 我第一次开口 让你感觉不安
我道歉 我会珍惜 不会再说离开
对不起 我爱你  

Photobucket 倒数两天

Friday, November 26, 2010

SPM student, good luck

没有跟男人出 也没有跟朋友出 
我说过 我最近很缺钱 一定要省钱 
拿薪水的日子又要到啦 ~ 
我快要辞职了 明年要大考 要拼命读书 
学校假期还剩一个月多罢了 时间过得很快 
我的假期 过得很没有意义
每天呆在家 不然就做工 偶尔出去 
我要去旅行去旅行 ~

Thousand good luck for SPM's student :))
明年就轮到我了 不敢想象啊 
时间 但愿你能停留在这里


Wednesday, November 24, 2010


第一次,你这样对我  你这样对她也好几次了
很多事,我们都不说 有什么事都在背后说
我们长大了 也慢慢习惯了 
你那天骂我的话 我记得一清二楚
我不想计较 只想忘记 
你可以很无理取闹 把我的东西都搞得一塌糊涂 
这就是你的风格 对不对 
也许那些都是气话 也许我还不会想 
我承认 我也有错 
请你也不要那么偏心 好吗

第二,我要讲 ‘ 你们 ’
你们做人不要那么现实 可以吗 
成绩好又怎样 能读书又怎样 有头脑又怎样
我们是朋友 不需要每见事情都拿来比 
有时 我宁愿一个人坐在那里 也不想去跟你们讲话 
有时 跟你们讲话让我觉得没有自尊 
不要说什么想我们 请不要把话说得那么好听 
因为 在你们眼中 我们只是 Loser 

第三,我只是 Jia beh Ta 
这件事跟我一点关系都没有 是我 Jia beh ta 
你不是很帅 不要到处搞暧昧
你不是很专一 不要说得你有多伤心 
你不是很完美 不要嫌人家的不好

我 发 泄 完 了 :))

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


男人今天做面包给我,我逼他做的 ><

十一点多到Pyramid, 肚子饿
本来要去吃 Full House的,走进去了又跑出来 
去 Food Court 吃,在那边看到文霜和她的朋友 
我们看 Takers, 听说很好看 

看完了就去拍大头贴 :))
Counter 没有人,就坐在那边等
所以他很 Jia Beh Ta, 哈哈哈 
所以再拍过咯, 拍了两次 

要去搭巴士时,不小心讲错话 ><
到了火车站也不理我, 要上火车才开始跟我讲回话

他突然问到,小弟弟,你们是兄妹啊 = =

我,最近很缺钱 :(

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Stick with me


过几分钟就看时间 ><

我们又要去看戏啦 ~
我们看鬼戏,' Let Me In ' ,每次都跟他看鬼戏咯 = =
扬,祝你生日快乐 :))

Saturday, November 13, 2010

13th November

Prepare everything and attend to Steven's shop todayy .
Had my breakfast theree with family .
Until 12 somethingg back home and ready to work.
1.30pm start work :D
Jermaine ate dinner at my shop with his family .
I really get a big shock when i saw him --
Unbelievable, he dammn thin!! wttf .
I want to diet toooo! :(

I might be going genting on 21st November .
Next sunday till tuesday, 3 days 2 night.
Teeeheeee .
Not feeling well todayy :'(
Sickness, pleasee go away from me!
Pleaaaaseeee ahhh !
Take cares .

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Going to work later, 6pm to 10.30pm 
Charlotte is waiting for me thereee with chai hongg :))
Got to go already, byeeeee

p/s: Give me a click on my nuffnang yeaah

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Last day of form 4 life.

Guess what ? 
just because of the sejarah's teacher.
I hate to wake myself up in the early morningg :@!
Tomoroww, still have to go school and return all the text books .
Next week started school holidays alreadyy! 
Hurrrayyy, lets claps hardly together.
My tittle explain its all .
Im not going to school on thursday and friday anymore.
Sooooo, tomorow was the last day of my form 4's school life.
I still remember the first day of school, oh my god :O
skip skip skip, forget about it :/
p/s: Give me a click for my nuffnang, thankiew :)

Mr.Leeeee, wa xiu luu ahh :'( 

Monday, November 8, 2010


Is monday again readers. 
I endure him for 21hours 31 minute yesterday :'(
First time never text each other at all, what the hell .
Went Aeon with Mr. Lee todayy :D
We buy ticket movie first only go for our lunch .
And then Old Town with him ><

 2.50, movie time :))
Only 11 people inside the cinema = =
Almost are couples, including both of us .
Only one single man there .
4something finish our movie, went and find boon jun them awhile.
Than waiting for Yk pass shirt to him .
Find Mei chyi and talk craps with her.
And I saw peipei with chyi, never said hi to her .
7something, dinner with sister .

Daddy go China to work for 2months plus .
And he just go airport only.
Seriously, very bu she de him :'(
Please take care yourself .
I gonna miss you aloot !

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Derrick Tan ♥

Taaaaaaa-daaaaa ~
在另一个世界要过的很快乐很快乐, 懂吗?

Happy Birthday to my classmate, Yau Fern Lin
Nothing to write about you eh Yau ><
Study hard and all the best (:
Friend forever .

p/s:  This is the previous post about derrick .

Happy Deepavali

Happy Deepavali for Ah neh neh :))
Skip work today, i dont have the mood want to work .
Go Aeon with Charlotte on 1 something .
Quite long never hang out with her already ><
She keep complaining that since i started my job .
We never hang out anymore for 2months plus .
So, only both of us today :l
Pizza Hut for our breakfast and lucn today, breaklunch ? ==
Cherrie met up us after that .

Old town the next round :/
just because of one cup of coffee, HAHAHA! 
Waiting for Boon Jun them for few hours .
Seriously pek chek daooo :@!
Accompany the men for their lunch @ KFC & Mcdonald
5something, suey yau go back and leave me alone with them.
Go and find my dear hui ping alone inside Jusco .
Talk craps with her awhile, heeehee
home sweet home.

Tomorow have to work, it's sakae children day!
Beloved parents, please bring you children for our children day .
We will free meal for below 12 children.
Enjoy your day :D

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Hello Readers :))
Do me a favour please .
Give me a click on the nuffnang there .
Just only a click for daily .
Thank you .


啦啦啦 ~ 
今天心情超不好的 :(
明天有做工,双倍啊 $_$
要拼命的花光光 xD
对不起对不起 TT
快点忘记忘记 !!


Monday, November 1, 2010

1month ♥

Bye October, Hello November.
1month with lee suey yau, nothing special .
Simple love, simple life, simple smile .
But im happy always .
Skip school today again, HAHA! 
Tomorow was sivik and pjk, who cares = =
I not going to study for it xD
Daddy buy one necklace for me, teehee :D
I likey it so much, thanks alot .
I open new account for facebook,
Please don't add the old one anymore, is full already .
And and, i lost all you guys blog's link .
Send me your link to my comment either chatbox there.
Thannkk youuu :))
加油, 啦啦啦 ~

Friday, October 29, 2010

Mbo ♥

Skip school yesterday :))
Went for a hair cut evening @ bayu with dad .
And thenn went giant bought some stuff .
Wake up in the early morning go to school as usual today 
Many people said perdagangan paper was easy, idk also ==
Anyway, forget about it laaaa.
Tution time after school till 6.30pm :/
MBO with suey yau after that, watch child's eyes .
Oh god, dammnn niceee! I swear.
Don't miss it yaaaa, heeee.
1day moreee,


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

26th October

If you really followed my blog always since i started blogged .
You should know who she is :))
She's one of my babes, bestie, beloved and ex classmate .
And another one Tee Yuan Ping .
Both of us used to argue most of the time, Yuan Ping always be our middle person .
For no reason we argued actually .
But we still learning to be forgive and forget always .
The worst arguement we had this year, 
We never speak to each other for few months.
Is just like a stranger or an enermy ?
Hated each other and non stop gossiping around .
I thought, our friendship will just end being this way .
No happy ending like the dramas, friends forever is just a word that doesn't work at all .
Until yesterday, 26th of Octorber .
We get back each other finally :))
Is quite unbelievable actually, because we friends back in a sudden .
Seriously, i veryy happy :D .
I hope both of you have the same feelings tooo .
Thanks god, i appreciate more than last time i did .
The two ladies, listen here .
No arguement between three of us anymore.
Open up to each other always, altho are dissatisfied.
Lies are not available!
Getting much better than last time please.
Prove to me that friends forever are really effective .
 I still feel a lil strange for this friendship.
I will try my hard best to getting closer and closer.
For the super-extra person :))
Please keep your distance, don't come too near to us .
I will just brush you aside.
I am not easily trusting on anyone, including you .
We are just classmate either schoolmate, thats all .
Don't think that you can step in our friendship .

Friendship never end .

Monday, October 25, 2010


不好意思 :))
火也灭了 :)
不要贪玩去玩火, 玩出火花就不好

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Happy 101010 :)

Happy 101010 day :))
and and 
Happy Birthday to beloved Mummy .
Skip work today for no reason, too lazyy already .
Aeon again and again around 1smth .
Met up suey yau at cinema there, bought 4.05pm ticket .
I watched 3 movies a week, ohh my gosh -o-
Accompany suey yau to Mcdonald for his lunch .
Beside that, waiting for the times flies away .
We never speak to each other a lil while for some reason = = 
I felt so damn strange for doing that .
And than enter cinema :)
' Blood Ties' not really nice and exciting, but cruel and digusting .
6+ back home, dinner with family and cousin .
Went for Cousin's friend's house for open house with 
Sister, Ruffa, Shasha, Boon Huat, Beng
 Temple the next round, awww .
Exhausted and fun.
Another great day for me ♥
19days more, ngek ngek 

Friday, October 8, 2010

Last night

Went school as usual yesterday .
When i step in school, i was totally shock .
Only a few of peoples came, i mean the whole school .
My class, 4Telus only 8 chinese and 1 malay .
Seriously, extremely regretted woke myself up in the early morning and went school 
At class keep chit-chat but never study, except for addmaths .
After school Grace Tay's class the next, 2.15 to 5.00 pm.
And than 5.00 to 6.30pm for Ms Chong class
Went temple with cousins :))
 Went Joy's house chiong k for awhile .
We planned to watch midnight movie after that . 
Reach Aeon around 11something, fortunate still got movie .
Bought ticket and went to fetch him @ station one .
Still got an hour somore, keep walk around .
Movie started on 12.20am .
We watched ' Devil' , quite scary and cruel = =
Home sweet home at last

Monday, October 4, 2010


Actually wanted to out with yuanping & jackyang de.
But yang suddenly put aeroplane cos of some problem .
At last also both of us go only .
Reach there around 1smth, still need to wait for the him .
We want to watch ghost movie de, but the time not suitable .
So simply choose one movie watch .
Detective Dee, Andy Lau's movie.
The movie is hyper boring and sucks lahh, i dun und at all
waapiaang eh, damn regret lorr .
Finish movie went for our lunch :))
5smth, home sweet home .
Oh yeahh, finally i get my first salary today!


Sunday, October 3, 2010


Just back from work, teeeheee .
No idea what to post about eh = =
I want to go out badly, so long never hang out already .
Keep work work work only, argghh .
I want watch movie, cheong k leaa :((
Anyoneeee ?
Goodluck for PMR students .
Especially Sweetheart, Yaya lee 

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Boredom .

Hi peoples :))
Next week is the new month again of  the year 2010 .
It's October, yeahh .
This friday the first day of Octorber.
I gonna start my form 5's tution this friday. 
Why shall we suffer like this, oh gosh = = 
End year exam coming after pmr.
Teacher afraid that student might absent themselves, 
so they put the exam until the last 3 weeks before school holidays .
 Finally it's friday tomorow, and no school for us .
Pmr's student need to arrange the table, so we are lack of tables & classes .
I should use these holidays to study for my end year exam .
But, i will be extremely lazy ._.
Anyhow, i still will try my best to study as much as i can .
I will not let anyone to look down on me .
Especially those human being think that they're super-smart
Byeeee :)

Monday, September 27, 2010

Here I am .

Im back :)) 
I not busying, i just kinda lazy to update my blog .
Weekdays, went to school and tution as usual .
Weekend, working @ Aeon bukit tinggi's sakae sushi .
This is how my life goes on .
PMR is coming on one more week i think .
PMR's student all the best and good luck .
Especially my sweetheart, Yaya Lee .
I am waiting for you! 
Happy Birthday to Joleen Heng & Ruffa Lim 
Attended Joleen's birthday last saturday @ fairies cafe .
Her cake damn nice right, made by her brother .
Anyway, stay pretty and smile always :)

Monday, August 9, 2010

1month .

Worked @ Bukit Tinggi , Vivo on last saturday with shan shan .
Feel damn regret work there, somore no salary de .
I just work one day, alot of stupid rules .
School got school's rules, restaurant also got their own rules ?
Whatever ba, enjoyed alot work with shan
Ghost festival coming soon, so no more work for this month .
Lack of money , arghhh !
I need to find another part time job immediately .
Any intro ? 
Promoter & Waitress also can, i dont mind :D
Is Monday again !!
As usual, wake up in the early early morning .
At class keep crapping with the gang .
We talk about previous things, ngek ngek .
Alot things happend last few years, but we really enjoy so much !
Happiness and Sadness, we always gone though together .
I cried because of her last night, unbelievable .
Forget about it pleaseee ! XD
Oh Yea, tomorow 10th of August .
Happy One Month Anniversary Dear .

Monday, August 2, 2010

1st August .

Hello August 2010 (:
Bye July 2010 .
Happy birthday to Dear  
Cherrie & I
The ladies
Charlotte & I
 I love her so much !


Hi, nice to meet you 
I love you *wink

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Yesterday ♥

Teeee-heeeee !
I should said im back again -o-
Aerobic competitio held on yesterday ,
Guess what , I woke up on 5 in the early morning and parties .
How nervous am i , lol 
And and and , 
I want to shout out loudly , you know ?
Volleyball team enter the final ! *claps*
Congratulation :DD , One team One Spirit !
Final will hold on 31st July, afraid that we dont have enough time .
Because tomorow having exam till thursday .
Took a nap before go for work .
 I miss him so much, one week just see him once .
I damn happy during work , we did alot silly things .
Too bad, happy time flies away .
A customer drunk till like hell yesterday,
He slept on the chair and vomit everything that he eaten .
But he dont even care, just lying down there .
Is really damn disgusting, can you imagine that ?
Yuccckkkk ! @@
Okay, need to off now .
Good luck and goodbye 

Pictures on the day .
4 of us
Volleyball .